Opinion of this founder
In the elementary school, I had a time somehow. In the junior high school, I began to care about my score and ranking and finished a high school entrance exam. And now, in the high school, I have to decide which I will study humanities or sciences in college by next year. I have a pressure because I have to decide my future so fast and I don't have things that I can be proud of and interested in, so I began to find roll models and hints of it.
Here're some things to need to make my country, Japan better :
giving chances to discuss social problems with adults to students who don't have suffrage.
And then, I came up with this project that "social problems × encounter = finding me".
In this program, I want to give chances to many students want to change this world.
また、私は以前からある課題を感じていた。それは、「選挙権を持つ学生が社会問題を考える機会が少ない」「大人と学生が社会について情熱的に議論する場が少ない」というものだ。そこで、社会問題についての学生と大人の議論と、ロールモデルとの出会いから、自分について知りたいと考えた。「社会問題 × 人との出会い=自分との出会い」という方程式ができたのだ。